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Advertising and Sponsorship

PMINJ offers various opportunities to advertise and sponsor our chapter.

Advertisements are to announce or promote your company and / or your company’s products / services on the PMINJ website or in the PMINJ Pulse (Newsletter) and emails. Acceptance of advertising by PMINJ does not imply endorsement of your company’s products or services by the Project Management Institute or by the PMI New Jersey Chapter.

PMINJ also accepts support from organizations who have an interest in the promotion of project management education and networking. PMINJ encourages organizations to support the profession through any of these means.

For questions, contact

NOTE: PMINJ reserves the right to: Accept only advertisements that have direct project management benefit to our membership, limit the number of concurrent advertisements and / or defer, refuse, or cancel advertisements.

How to Sponsor

  • View the Sponsor options table on the bottom of the registration page
  • Locate the sponsorship of interest and process with a credit card


PMINJ will send a Sponsored email to our list of customers who have agreed to accept these third party emails. Your message will be the only content in the email. The email can be changed from issue to issue.

How to start

  • Go online to pay for the email.
  • Send the email layout with associated graphics to:

When to send

Emails can be sent at any time. PMINJ will make every effort to process the email in a timely manner. At least 2 weeks should be allowed for the initial email.

Logo Ad On Homepage

PMINJ will post your logo with a link to your message. For ads that are greater than 1 month, the 'ad' (graphic and / or link) can be changed a maximum of once a quarter. Example, a 12 month ad could be changed 3 times.

How to start

Go online to pay for the desired number of months.

  • Send the logo in GIF, JPG, or PNG format (450 x 150 OR 150 x 150 pixels), plus the URL to use to access the desired webpage to:

When to send a logo

Logos can be sent at any time. PMINJ will make every effort to post the logo in a timely manner. Duration of the logo on the web site will be measured from the day it was posted.

Ad In Monthly Pulse Newsletter

PMINJ will post your logo with a link to your message in the Monthly Pulse newsletter. For ads that are greater than 1 month, the 'ad' (graphic and / or link) can be changed a maximum of once a quarter. Example, a 12 month ad could be changed 3 times

How to start

  • Go online to pay for the desired number of months.
  • Send the logo in GIF, JPG, or PNG format (450 x 150 OR 150 x 150 pixels), plus the URL to use to access the desired webpage to:

When to send

Pulse emails will be published monthly on the first Friday. The deadline for each newsletter is the 20th of the month prior to publication. Material arriving after the deadline will appear in the next issue.

Monthly Program

PMINJ conducts Monthly Programs on the third Tuesday of every month except - July, August, and December. Individuals or companies are invited to sponsor a program(s).

Sponsorship includes

  • Logo and a short description of products &/ services are included in the emails promoting the monthly meetings (there are 3 emails that are sent to our members and potential members).
  • One or 2 slides (provided by sponsor) with the company name, logo and message will be displayed during the introduction of the meeting. The sponsor can speak to the slides during the introduction.
  • A table near the registration area for display materials and promotional items - when physical.
  • 2 seats at the dinner portion of the meeting - when physical.
  • Opportunity to hold prize drawings if the sponsor chooses.


The following materials are needed via e-mail the 20th of the month prior to the month being sponsored:

  • Microsoft PowerPoint slide in 16:9 format.
  • Small logo in gif, jpg, or png format to fit in email and webpage.
  • Abstract of products and / or services.

How to start

  • Go online to pay for the desired number of months.
  • Send the materials to:

When to send

Sponsorships can be requested any time. However, the deadline for submitting is the 20th of the month prior to the program month of interest. Advertising for the Monthly program officially starts on the 1st of the month.

Annual Symposium

PMINJ annually hosts a Symposium (Professional Development Day) the first Monday of May. A 4 hour Seminar is hosted the Sunday before the Symposium. Individuals or companies are invited to sponsor the events.

  • Sponsor logo and URL will be included on emails announcing the event.
  • PMINJ will provide the preferred email, physical address, and telephone number for the attendees who select to share this information with the event sponsors.

Exhibitor includes

  • Registration for two (2) exhibitor attendees ($150 for each additional Symposium attendee)
  • Dedicated timeframes for Sponsor interaction with attendees. Exhibitors are encouraged to provide coverage as needed during off-peak times. Exhibitors must remain set-up through the end of the afternoon break period. Breakdown of the booth after the designated break is at the discretion of the exhibitor; however, exhibitors are encouraged to remain until the end of the event to meet with attendees still interested in talking to exhibitors.
  • PMINJ web page and email listing with logo and URL.
  • (Optional) Sponsor can provide raffle items. Note: Sponsor and attendee are responsible for arranging raffle pick ups and deliveries.
  • Exhibitor Table: Booth space will be 8’x8’, consisting of one draped 6’ table, 2 chairs, a wastebasket, a table sign, and a standard dual electrical outlet. Additional power supply access available on request.

Speaker Introduction includes

  • Registration for two (2) attendees
  • Opportunity before the speaker presentation for a recorded video which includes your logo & url and you identifying your products / services and introducing the speaker and topic for up to 2 minutes.
  • A Session Sponsor will introduce the speakers in the same session (both tracks) thus getting exposure to all attendees.

Break includes (does not include Exhibitor sponsorship):

  • Acknowledgment signs with company name at entrance to the serving location.
  • Registration for one attendee
  • PMINJ web page and email listing with logo and URL.
  • (Optional) Sponsor can provide raffle items. Note: Sponsor and attendee are responsible for arranging raffle pick ups and deliveries.

Lanyard for Badge includes (does not include Exhibitor sponsorship):

  • Sponsor supplies a lanyard with company name or logo to be provided to all event attendees with their event name badge. Note: Lanyards must be delivered to event location 3 days before the event.
  • PMINJ web page and email listing with logo and URL.

Pen includes:

  • Note: Pens must be delivered to event location 3 days before the event.
  • Pens with your company’s advertisement on it will be placed on a table
  • Sponsor must provide 600 pens
  • PMINJ web page and email listing with logo and URL.

Post Card includes:

  • Note: Post cards must be delivered to event location 3 days before the event.
  • Post Card with your company’s advertisement on it will be placed on a table
  • Sponsor must provide 600 postcards
  • PMINJ web page and email listing with logo and URL.

Raffle includes:

  • Note: Raffle items must be delivered to event location 3 days before the event, or electronically to .
  • Logo will be included in email announcements to members.
  • PMINJ web page and email listing with logo and URL.

How to start

  • Go online to pay for the desired sponsorship.
  • Send the materials to:

When to sponsor

Sponsorships should be requested prior to January 1 to be included in all marketing for the event. The final deadline is March 1.

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