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Global & Region 4 Chapters

PMI Region 4 Chapters

PMP Exam Fee Increase on 06 Aug

PMP Exam Fee Increase

Effective 06 Aug 2024, the PMP certification exam fee price will increase from $595 to $675 for non-members in the US.

PMI Member pricing will remain the same.

Give the Gift of PMI Membership (US Only)

Membership as a Gift!

Help a friend, colleague, or recent graduate level up their career with the power of PMI Membership. Log in to your account and visit the Membership Gifting page to complete an order form. Simply fill out the recipient’s information and click Continue to Payment to purchase their membership. The recipient will receive a confirmation email once the purchase is complete.

PMI PMP Exam Simulator - Free

PMP Exam Simulator

Have you tried the PMI Infinity - PMP Exam Simulator? No subscription to ChatGPT needed; for now, this exam simulator is completely free! Spread the word to those you know studying for the exam!

Exam Simulator page

Course: Talking to AI: Prompt Engineering for Project Managers - Free

Talk AI

Get equipped with the knowledge and skills to effectively leverage Large Language Models (LLMs) like ChatGPT and PMI Infinity. Generate relevant, customized, and insightful responses for your project needs.

More Information

PMI Micro Credential Course Change

PMI is transitioning the micro-credential courses on 4 September. After this date, they will be available for purchase as eLearnings. Complete any purchased courses by 31 December to retain their micro-credential status. After this date, these courses will no longer be termed 'micro-credential' but the content of the courses will remain the same and upon completion, you will earn a Badge and Certificate of Completion. You will retain any previously earned micro-credentials.

More Information.

PMI Culture Values & Behavior

PMI Culture Values & Behaviors

Download slides

Make it Easy:
    We are easy to deal with.
    When things slow us down, we find a better way.
    We prioritize the impact that matters most and take the most direct route to it.
Aim Higher:
    We set the standard in top quality work to create the greatest impact for the PMI community.
    We lead the way by thinking long-term and acting in the short-term.
    We fearlessly take ownership of what we do, knowing every action counts.
Be Welcoming:
    We create genuine belonging for all, because our differences make us stronger.
    We act with humanity, showing care, empathy and respect for others’ needs.
    We assume good intent and seek to understand, not judge.
Embrace Curiosity:
    We are always seeking ways to better serve the PMI community.
    We see challenges as opportunities to innovate and take them.
    We feel able to fail fast in order to get it right.
Together we can:
    We build deep, trusting relationships that help us work towards our mission together.
    We use our shared purpose to unite us as a community and drive us forward to create impact.
    We act in alignment with our global goals, while being empowered to deliver locally.

The PMI Talent Triangle has Evolved

The PMI Talent Triangle has Evolved

In our changing world, project professionals must be more nimble and resourceful than ever to keep pace and create impact.

PMI has always been committed to empowering project professionals to develop a robust set of skills, but project professionals now need a skillset inclusive of different disciplines and practices, as well as other in-demand skills.

To help project professionals navigate this changing world of work and embrace smarter ways of working, we’ve updated the sides of the PMI Talent Triangle to now focus on:

Ways of Working: formerly Technical Project Management

Power Skills: formerly Leadership

Business Acumen: formerly Strategic and Business Management

LST  -->> PBW

PMI Impact Strategy (4.0)

PMI Impact Strategy (4.0)

PMI Certificates

PMI Certificates

Project Management Ready
Certification Framework
Disciplined Agile
  • Disciplined Agile Coach (DAC)
  • Disciplined Agile Scrum Master (DASM)
  • Disciplined Agile Senior Scrum Master (DASSM)
  • Disciplined Agile Value Stream Consultant (DAVSC)
Micro-Credentials will be eLearnings
  • Agile Hybrid Project Pro (AH-MC | AHPP)
  • Agile Metrics Micro-Credential (AM-MC)
  • Citizen Developer Proctitioner
  • Construction Project Communications
  • Construction Performance and Materials Management
  • Construction Technology and Innovation
  • Organizational Transformation: Foundation (OTF)
  • Organizational Transformation: Implementation (OTI)
  • Organizational Transformation: Orchestration (OTO)
  • Value Stream Management Micro-Credential

PMI Hardship Provision for Member Dues

PMI Hardship Provision for Membership Dues

In these current economic times, we recognize that some of our members will find themselves in changed financial circumstances. To that end, PMI would like to remind members about its hardship provision that is available to qualifying members in good standing.

PMI’s hardship provision is available to any member who becomes unemployed.

In order to qualify, a member must be in good standing and must have paid dues for at least three continuous years. Under this provision, a member is granted a waiver for one year of PMI membership dues and one year of dues for membership in any one PMI community which the applicant was a member the previous year.

The hardship provision may be granted for a maximum of two years for each member. Details about this program are located on the back of the renewal invoice.

To apply for a hardship provision, send an email to and explain the nature of your hardship. Be sure to include a copy of your renewal invoice (if possible). Remember that any incorrect or untrue statements made by a member are in violation of the Project Management Institute Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct and may lead to the initiation of an ethics complaint.

Reports and Member Benefits

Reports and Member Benefits

The perfect blend of AI and human ingenuity

The AI Resource Center is your gateway to the future of AI-driven project management. Boost productivity. Increase project success. Drive value for your organization with generative AI.

Building and Leading High-Performing Teams

Four Approaches to Meet Elevating Expectations

Career Navigator - Free Assessment - 10/1/2021

Based on your interests and goals, Career Navigator creates a personalized action plan to match you with the perfect growth opportunities.

Earning Power: Project Management Salary Survey—Thirteenth Edition - 2023

Summary report

Full report - Login required

Ethics in Project Management

Ethics is the discipline of "how to do it best". To guide behavior and help with tough decisions.

PMBOK Guide Version 7

PMI Members, login and download the PMBOK Guide Version 7

Content from the new edition is now available on PMIstandards+™

PMI Picks™

For professionals who want smart, bite-sized project management and power skill learnings that fit into their schedules.

Project Kickoff Free Course

KICKOFF is a free, 45-minute digital course and tool kit that guides you through the basics of project management, so you can effectively launch your project(s) from start to finish.

Project Management Tools & Templates

These tools are available on

Thought Leadership

PMI’s thought leadership content tackles the big questions of the project management profession.



Center Stage Podcast

This webinar series brings together guests for thought-provoking discussions on leadership, innovation, and the future of work.

eLearning for EveryoneFree eLearning courses in numerous areas of project and program management skill development. All courses are industry-leading quality, and all count for Professional Development Units (PDUs) or Continuing Education Units (CEUs).

Projectified® PodcastListen to a series of conversations from leading-edge thinkers about hot topics and emerging trends impacting the world of project management

PMI BlogPerspectives on working in new ways and turning ideas into reality.


Partner to unearth ideas from the world of project management

Pulse of the Profession

This global survey of project management professionals demonstrates how gymnastic enterprises were able to pivot during exponential disruption.

PMP Study Hall

Designed to help PMP candidates on their road to exam day.

Out of the Box Video Series

A series of videos spotlighting new and interesting developments across the global PMI community.


See the list of available webinars scheduled or on demand. Have you recently delivered a presentation on a topic that would be helpful to a broader audience of your peers? Published a book and want to share the ideas it contains with the world? Our community would love to hear from you and likely have questions that will refine your thinking on your chosen topic.

PMI color and symbol Meaning

PMI Color and Symbol Meaning

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