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Pulse March 2022

Corporate Advisory Board – Update

The PMINJ Corporate Outreach Team formed the Corporate Advisory Board (CAB) last year to provide an industry-focused perspective on PMINJs goals, programs and other services. The CAB currently consists of six members, representing NJ-based health care, financial service, construction material and utility companies. CAB meetings focus on topics outlined in the PMINJ Strategic Plan, soliciting industry recommendations on how to achieve chapter goals while preparing project managers to meet related industry challenges.

In 2021, the CAB focused primarily on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) initiatives, a top chapter goal. Meeting agendas included review of planned chapter initiatives and collected input and recommendations from CAB member companies. In particular, there was a discussion of metrics companies are using to assess program effectiveness. Chapter leadership learned that DEI metrics are a significant industry challenge, but that such metrics can be developed and must be directly tied to specific goals. Metrics must be periodically re-assessed to confirm they are accurate and are measure progress to achieving organizational goals. This topic will be revisited throughout 2022, providing status updates on measures the chapter has implemented.

The first CAB meeting of 2022 was held on January 25, focusing on development opportunities for young professionals. The discussion started with a review of current chapter programs, including monthly meetings, PMP prep classes, the Symposium and other programs. CAB members provided constructive feedback on these programs, including some current and past practices within their organizations. The outreach team took away two topics for further evaluation – virtual Lunch & Learns and expanded mentoring programs.

For the next CAB meeting the team is exploring the opportunity to hold an in-person meeting co-located with a future chapter event.

The Corporate Outreach Team is actively seeking additional CAB members. Nominees should be senior-level leaders in their organization with responsibilities that include project management, such as ownership of a Project Management Office, or lead a function where project management plays a significant role, such as New Product Development or IT. CAB members are not required to be PMI or PMINJ members. Please submit the name of senior leaders you feel may be a good fit by sending an email to .

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