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This free service is offered to all New Jersey PMI members. The Mentorship program links experienced and knowledgeable project managers with those who would like a mentor to guide them through the steps of becoming a valuable project manager.


Travel Required


Type of Interactions


Interview Required


Opportunity Start

Opportunity End

Desired Skills


Estimated Time Commitment

Can Volunteer hold multiple positions


Opportunity End

Benefits of Volunteering for this role

  • Receive knowledge and best practice guidance from an experienced Project Management Mentor
  • One-on-one mentoring
  • It is free
  • Flexible, you and your mentor set the sessions date and time


  • Membership in the New Jersey PMI chapter in good standing
  • A desire to learn more about Project Management
  • Improve your knowledge in the Project Management process, methodology, artifacts etc.

You will be matched with someone similar to your industry who will help you to understand and gain more knowledge in the Project Management area to become a more confident project manager.

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